Thursday, April 25, 2013

Metta Begins with Me

Metta means loving kindness.

Most of us would agree, I believe, that the practice of metta... extending loving kindness, goodwill, benevolence... is a beautiful guide for how we should treat other beings.  We cultivate metta not only with our loved ones and friends, but also with teachers, strangers, those with whom we have conflict,  and, ultimately, all sentient beings.  However, a key element that might get lost in translation is that metta does, indeed, begin with "me".

In order to cultivate metta, one must first treat oneself with loving kindness.  This is, perhaps, the most difficult form of love for many of us to extend, and even more difficult, sometimes, to receive.  What makes this so?  We are worthy of our own love, yet often we are our own worst critics, we have difficulty getting out of our own way, and we focus on our disappointments rather than our triumphs.  In order to truly cultivate metta, we must recognize and accept who we are at our cores, for it is impossible to love others if we can not love ourselves.

So as we begin this Metta Yoga journey, be authentic.  Be present.  Be forgiving.  Be loving.  Be kind. Be encouraging.  Above all, be aware that by loving yourself enough to let your own light shine brightly you support those around you in their efforts to shine, too.

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